Long Vowel Sounds 33.1 /ī/ sound Long Vowel Sounds 34.3 /ō/ sound Lee-Lee and La-La Welcome Little Lou-Li! Vowel Sounds Influenced by r 43 /o(r)/ sound Other Vowel Sounds 37a Long /ōō/ sound Short Vowel Sounds 27.1 /e/ sound Sports that we play-Easy Reader Part 1 Other Vowel Sounds 36 Short /oo/ sound Short Vowel Sounds 30.2 /u/ sound Long Vowel Sounds 31.1 /ā/ sound Vowel Sounds Influenced by r 44 /u(r)/ sound Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe/Zambia Long Vowel Sounds 33.2 /ī/ sound Long Vowel Sounds 33.3 /ī/ sound Long Vowel Sounds 35.3 /ū/ or /y/ /oo/ sound Time, Days, Weeks, Months, & Years The Jeweled Frog and the Mighty Condor Long Vowel Sounds 34.3 /ō/ sound Short Vowel Sounds 29.1 /o/ sound Long Vowel Sounds 32.3a /ē/ sound Bugs that we see-Easy Reader Part 2 Long Vowel Sounds 31.2a /ā/ sound Long Vowel Sounds 32.1 /ē/ sound Long Vowel Sounds 31.3 /ā/ sound Long Vowel Sounds 33.1 /ī/ sound