Long Vowel Sounds 35.3 /ū/ or /y/ /oo/ sound Chip's Tips on Equatorial Guinea Short Vowel Sounds 27.1 /e/ sound Dolch Sight Words Nouns (Level 4) Oceans and Seas of the World Dolch Sight Words Kindergarten (Level 2) Grade Three Word Relationships The Australian Aboriginal People Grade Five Words, Word Relationships & Meanings, Phrases Other Vowel Sounds 36 Short /oo/ sound Meteorites, Meteoroids, and Meteors The Jeweled Frog and the Mighty Condor Long Vowel Sounds 35.1 /ū/ or /y/ /oo/ sound Dolch Sight Words Grade 1 (Level 2) Chip's Tips on Ivory Coast Festivals Around The World Short Vowel Sounds 30.2 /u/ sound Patsy and Paul at Angkor Wat in Cambodia