Newsletter Vol 12, Issue 03, February 6, 2025

Black History Month!


February is Black History Month in the United States—a time to celebrate the achievements of African Americans and recognize their central role in U.S. history. Our Famous People category includes the biographies of some of the most influential Black leaders who shaped US history. These are perfect read-aloud books for young children to learn and be inspired by these leaders.

The Power of Reading Aloud!


5th February is World Read Aloud Day. Did you know that reading aloud to your child is one of the most powerful ways to build strong reading skills? The latest Nation's Report Card shows that reading scores across the country remain low, with many children struggling to meet grade-level expectations. But there's something simple and enjoyable that can make a big difference—reading aloud!

Smart Kidz Club's vast collection of read-aloud books is designed to engage young readers, boost comprehension, and support struggling learners. With human-narrated audio, children can listen to fluent reading while following along, reinforcing essential literacy skills in a fun and interactive way.

Whether it's a bedtime story, a favorite picture book, or a fun nonfiction read, your voice—and Smart Kidz Club—can help your child build a strong foundation in reading. Our Reading Reminders and Daily Reading Goals can help make reading a daily habit for your child!

February Parent Resource

Is your child just starting to read or finding it a bit challenging? The classic fairy tale Goldilocks and the Three Bears teaches us about finding what’s "just right"—and that idea is key to helping young readers thrive!

What is the Goldilocks Effect, and how does it shape your child's reading success in the digital age? This eye-opening video explains why finding the perfect balance is crucial and how Smart Kidz Club applies this concept to every book in its digital library.

Discover how to give your child the best start in reading—don’t miss this must-watch for parents of beginning and struggling readers!


Choice Board

February is Black History Month, Heart Month, Bake for Family Fun, and Bird Feeding Month. Check out our February Choice Board 2025 for themed reading choices for the month.


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