Book Information
Cosas que son AnaranjadasWritten by Meagan J. Meehan
Ayúdele a su niño pequeño a reconocer diferentes objetos anaranjados introduciéndole el color anaranjado y objetos que son anaranjados.Introduce your little one to all the things that are orange helping him learn to recognize the color orange and the objects that are orange. 11 pages | 35 words | 1 minute
Categories: | Colors|Spanish|Word Recognition| |
Ages: | 1 to 3 years|3 to 5 years| |
Reading Level: | Level 1 - Pre-Readers| |
Interactive Features: | Know Your Colors| |
Type: | Read Along Book| |
Grade: | Pre-K| |
Keywords: | Spanish|anaranjado|balón de baloncesto|basketball|calabazas|carrot|color|conos de construcción|construction cones|fire|flores|goldfish|marigold|mariposas|monarch butterfly|orange|pez de oro|puesta del sol|pumpkin|sunset|zanahorias| |