Book Information
Cosas que son MarronesWritten by Meagan J. Meehan
Ayúdele a su niño pequeño a reconocer diferentes objetos marrón introduciéndole el color marrón y objetos que son marrón. Introduce your little one to all the things that are brown helping him learn to recognize the color brown and introducing him to objects that are brown. 11 pages | 25 words | 1 minute
Categories: | Colors|Spanish|Word Recognition| |
Ages: | 1 to 3 years|3 to 5 years| |
Reading Level: | Level 1 - Pre-Readers| |
Interactive Features: | Know Your Colors| |
Type: | Read Along Book| |
Grade: | Pre-K| |
Keywords: | Spanish|alce americano|bears|brown|chocolate|coffee|color|eyes|furniture|moose|muebles|nutria|ojos|osos|otter|papas|potatoes|soil|tierra|tree trunks|troncos de arboles| |