Book Information
Animales que viven en la tierraWritten by Sippi S.
A brightly illustrated picture book for babies and toddlers that introduces them to the common animals that live on land.Un libro brillantemente ilustrado para bebes y niños jóvenes que les introduce algunos animales comunes que viven en la tierra. 19 pages | 50 words | 1 minute
Categories: | Animals|Spanish|Vocabulary|Word Recognition| |
Ages: | 1 to 3 years|3 to 5 years| |
Reading Level: | Level 1 - Pre-Readers| |
Interactive Features: | Draw Your Doodle| |
Type: | Read Along Book| |
Grade: | Pre-K| |
Keywords: | animales|animals that live on land|el caballo|el camello|el canguro|el cocodrilo|el elefante|el gato|el hipopotamo|el leon|el mono|el perro|el rinoceronte|el togre|la cabra|la cebra|la culebra|la jirafa|la oveja|la vaca|spanish| |